#FreebieFriday Farm Sanctuary apron [Enter by 7/2/2015]

I’ve started a new thing on Instagram for the summer: a weekly giveaway. Last week’s giveaway was Lush solid shampoos. This week, it’s an apron from Farm Sanctuary ($20 value). If you’ve ever made a mess of your clothing while baking or cooking and thought ‘I really need an apron,’ this giveaway is for you. Comment with your favorite meal to make for your chance to win. A winner will be picked on July 2nd. (Please note that, while I love my friends everywhere, I can only ship within the U.S.A.) Continue reading #FreebieFriday Farm Sanctuary apron [Enter by 7/2/2015]

Atlanta’s temp is cooling but the fun’s warming up

Yay! Georgia’s gettin’ a VegFest. Tomorrow, Saturday, November 10th, with be the first (and hopefully annual) Atlanta VegFest. With around 40 vendors, including Herbivore Clothing and Vegan Outreach, and more than a handful of great speakers, including Terry Hope Romero and Jenny Brown, the festival looks like a full day of fun. Doors open at 9:45 a.m. and the first 300 guests will receive goodie bags! If you or someone you know lives in the Atlanta area, get to bed early so you can wake up bright-eyed! Continue reading Atlanta’s temp is cooling but the fun’s warming up

Nat Geo Gets an Intervention

Premiering tonight on the National Geographic channel is Animal Intervention. The series kicks off tonight at 9pm following, “animal advocate crusader Alison Eastwood, animal expert Donald Schultz, and activist Billy McNamara.” Listening to a recent episode of Our Hen House has made me excited and curious about this show. On episode 140, Jasmin and Mariann interviewed Delcianna Winders, the Director of Captive Animal Law Enforcement for the PETA Foundation. In the interview, they discuss how the law is being used to rescue wild animals from poor living conditions. Animal Intervention has the opportunity to raise awareness. While you’ll have to have premium channels to … Continue reading Nat Geo Gets an Intervention

Gathering for Sacred Chow

The weather in NYC is gorgeous. Not too hot. So my father decided on a day trip. He loves hopping NJ transit and wandering around the city, particularly the museums. He’s criss-crossed the city in search of historical sites the way I seek out vegan food. His visits, without fail, include a veg meal. And this time, my sister joined us. We picked up forks in Sacred Chow on Sullivan Street, NYU territory. If you’re new to the place, the tapas are your best bet; smaller plates, but by no means small plates. My pops and sis split 3/$18. Continue reading Gathering for Sacred Chow

NBC’s “Harry’s Law” Tackles Animal Law

Unless I’m on a treadmill, I don’t get to watch too much TV. After I got home from the gym Saturday night and made myself some yummy and healthy tacos, I sat down to whatever my sister happened to have on. Immediately I was pulled into Harry’s Law at the mention of “great apes.” Since I did come in at the tail end, I didn’t quite understand the depth of the storyline, but I was excited nonetheless. The acting is really powerful; it stars Kathy Bates, so that’s to be expected. Like having a vegan baker on Cupcake Wars, having … Continue reading NBC’s “Harry’s Law” Tackles Animal Law

The Dirty V: Indoctrinate Me

“Last Friday night, yeah we were danced on tabletops and we took…” Oh, wait, no. Actually I was stuck at work late, but that’s good cause it culminated with two slices of vegan pizza at Vinnie’s in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Before that, though, it included a conversation with one of my coworkers. Discourse is important; no matter where the channels of communication lead, take the ride. On her way out, she noticed my necklace. “Is that a pig?” “Yes, it says, ‘Friend Not Food’.” “It’s cute. I don’t agree. But cute.” Though commenting earlier in the day about wishing she could … Continue reading The Dirty V: Indoctrinate Me

ASPCA Digital Ad Campaign Serves Cause

While I was not shy to express my disappointment with the ASPCA x Forever 21 line of t-shirts, credit is due for their digital advertising campaign. As to when these ads began running online, I do not know. Since I do not enjoy voicing negativity regarding such causes, I may have been in a unique position to notice these ads. The organization’s television commercials are well known. Celebrities, like Sarah McLachlan, with a dog or cat pleading for a nominal donation, have never moved me to action. I may like the particular person or ‘aww’ at the animal, but the … Continue reading ASPCA Digital Ad Campaign Serves Cause